Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Treasure Of Scripture Mediation

         In letters to the editor the Bible is often a battle ground. I fear that young people will misjudge the Bible as negative. If used correctly it is a proven resource of positve transformation. It is given as a guide to a peaceful life. Approached with a humble desire to change for the better it gives illuminating insight. What we look for determines what we get.
With obscure violent verses bitter folks try to justify wrath. In prison I confronted inmates who taught malice towards Blacks, Jews, and Catholics. They twisted the Scriptures into toxic poison . In cults it is misused to brain wash followers into puppets to blindly obey the leader. Rev. Jim Jones and David Koresh are recent historical examples. Destructive uses of the Scriptures blind us to it's beneficial purpose.
       In public protests the Westport Baptist Church in Topeka , Kansas misuse the Bible as a hateful weapon against people of a different sexual orientation. Preachers use it to condemn denominations they don't like. Religious leaders use it to condemn a political party. Without interpreation of historical and cultural context people can twist isolated verses into a proof text to fit their own ego driven agenda.
      We need leaders to explain the Scriptures in a life giving way. Martin Luther King showed us the right path. He quoted the Bible in public addresses and in his books. His choice of passages emphasize guiding principles of forgiveness, self-control, peace building, and inclusive justice. He taught the main message which is to walk humbly with God, to do justice and seek wisdom. He is in agreement with St. Augustine who taught that the cardinal rule in evaluating religious teaching is the increase of the active love of God and neighbor..
       One way to experience the uplifting wisdom of the Bible is daily meditation with an experienced guide. The internet provides a free site to learn inspiring insights with the “Upper Room”. It offers testimonies from people world wide in all walks of life who share expeiences of transformation. It does not market any denomination. It follows the example of Martin Luther King with a consistent challenge to do justice and mercy. This free ministry can help us to grow in understanding and train us to practice moral awareness and integrity. We need a daily dose of spiritual vitamins. If we are willing to listen for the Divine Author  to teach us His agenda the Scriptures will enlighten our journey.
         Why was the Holy Book given to us?, “Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another, showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.”, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, The Message.
        This a great treasure is offered to everyone. It has value far beyond material wealth or celebrity status. It teaches what is eternally important.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Birth Weight Treasure

       Holding our grandson Timothy born on November 25th close on my chest warmed my heart. The Creator of life bestows such amazing trust. Timothy is a mystery of promise placed into human hands. Tiny Tim is fragile and needy He is a precious endowment of talent placed in our lap.
       What awesome capability is poured into 7 pounds and 11 ounces. Timothy will develop unique abilities as he is cherished and nurtured. We are enriched and renewed by his presence. His physical size is small but his capacity to do wonderful things is large.
      There is responsibility ingrained with the trust of a new person given to us. We are losers if we don't perceive the worthiness of children. If we are too busy to invest our time and money in children we miss out on the opportunity of a life time. When we experience wonder in the presence of a new baby we are enabled to respond with reverence.
      In Christmas we celebrate Jesus. He came to us vulnerable and fragile. He came with a birth weight. He was blessed to have Joseph and Mary who recognized his special nature and invested themselves in giving him protection and moral guidance.
      The birth of Jesus instructs us to consider the noble bearing of each child. Rabbi Jesus had special respect for children. He cherished kids in a society that devalued them. When his disciples pushed aside parents who wanted their babies to be blessed Jesus was angry. He granted the parents' desire to bestow honor.
      What is our attitude towards children? Rabbi Jesus said, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. “ Matthew 18:4-5. It is easy in our adult world to overlook the dignity of children. We neglect children if we do not understand their great value.
      A valid way to celebrate Christmas is to give kindness, generosity, and wise care to children he has placed in our life. We receive Jesus into our life by welcoming with awe the little ones He places under our influence .
       What does it mean to give welcome? To listen to a chlid's dreams encourages him to believe there is a future of hope. To encourage constructive abilities is to create confidence she can make a positive contribution in society. To take time to be fully present shows a child he is worthy of attention. Kids perceive quickly when they are considered a treasure or viewed as mere “rug rats” in the way of adult routines.
      I was awe-struck when I held Timothy. The grandeur of his presence moved my soul beyond words. May we all respond reverently to such latent greatness wrapped in birth weight.
       We receive the Christ Child anew when we help children in poverty in the Ozarks. A generous gift to Crosslines will help a food insecure child to know he is not forgotten.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How Much Is Enough To Be Grateful?

         An inmate nearing release said, “If I can make enough money in regular work then I will give up my criminal past. If I can't earn enough to make me happy I will take what I want.” I appreciated his honesty. I replied, “How will you know when you have enough? He paused and said he would have to explore this when he returned home. I doubt with his materialistic values if he ever was fully satisfied.
       I ponder how much is enough to be grateful and find motivation to do what is right. The law of diminishing returns applies as we strive for satisfaction. Satiety eludes us as we grasp for more. If our basic needs are secure advertisements allure that we can never be happy without the sale's pitch . Are wishes for instant gratification of bigger and better things valid needs? Material accumulation or endless pleasure seeking activities bring a temporary elation which require another quick fix as the high recedes. Each passing thrill satisfies less.
       There is a spiritual reality about the experience of fullness. Haggai , in 1:5-6, expresses this timeless truth , “Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.”
        Contentment is found not in worldly status, possessions or passing pleasures. They fail to satisfy our soul and lead to gratitude. A glut of wealth with its trappings often brings only a restlessness of overindulgence. To reflect on the precious gift of our humanity filled with great potential brings new awareness of a deeper dimension of true wealth given freely by our Maker. Our greatest treasure is who we are made to become.
       If we honor the Giver of life we experience a satisfaction of soul which can't be purchased. The Jewish prophet Haggai challenges us to serve others with earthly wealth as the way to inner peace. When we acknowledge the Divine Master and surrender to His higher purpose of generosity our grasping can come to rest. In the practice of integrity and sharing with the poor we can find the heart content.
       Enough is not found in excess. Enough is found in the choice to practice a more generous way of life.
      In the Jewish Passover Meal an ancient song of thanksgiving, the “Dayenu”, is shared. It is an up-beat role call of remembrance. A list of God's gifts which no money can buy are proclaimed. After each blessing is named the people say, “It would have been enough for us”. This refrain reminds us that awareness of the Generous Giver and His gifts is enough for us to practice behavior which honors Him.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Blue Bomber!

       Rev. Hewlett stopped to talk in the street in front of my home. I was washing and waxing my car. I had just purchased it for $100.00. It was a 1950 blue 2 door Plymouth. I had saved to buy a car by working at a grocery store. Being 17 years old and having a car meant new opportunities. Now I could ask girls out.

      Growing up in St. Louis our family did not own an automobile. We walked or took the bus to get to work or school. We lived 6 blocks from. On Sunday in every kind of weather we walked to worship.

     Rev. Hewlett gently warned me about making an idol of my car. He told me God blessed me with the Plymouth to help others. He challenged me to dedicate it to God. His words were an awakening of the danger of idolatry.

      In response to my pastor's counsel Mom and I had a short prayer of dedication of the car. We knew other people walked to church and needed a ride. Therefore on Sundays I shuttled folks to church. Mom was proud that we helped her widowed friends to avoid rain and hot weather when walking to worship.

       Rev. Hewlett appreciated the way I responded to his leadership about the Plymouth. In worship he complimented me for dedicating my old car to do good things for others. Then the moment was ruined!

      He described the car as a jalopy dedicated to God. I was mortified . In my eyes the car was not in dilapidated condition. It did burn a quart of oil every 100 miles. With noise and trail of smoke my friends named it , “The Blue Bomber”. My visceral reaction did reveal how much I loved that car. It took me awhile to forgive my pastor for such an insensitive remark! People get outraged if their idol is insulted !

      I need to heed the command of Moses for my spiritual health. “You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth..You shall not bow down and worship them”. Exodus 20: 4-5.
       The Blue Bomber served our family well for one year then fell apart. Rev. Hewlett was right. It was a jalopy on the way to the junk yard. My pastor gave me a lesson for life. When I make an idol it will consume all my time. An idol brings false hope of soul satisfaction. The path of happiness is to serve God with worldly possessions to help others.

      His counsel helps me when tempted to make an idol of political party, religious leader, elected official, or church denomination. They, like my blue bomber, are good in a limited way but very temporary. They are flawed and can not deliver the goods. My Creator alone is the source of a meaningful life and I need to worship Him only.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Will Or His Will Be Done?

          The lyrics of an old hymn inspire me. “Jesus, Jesus, how I trust thee. How I have proved thee over and over. Precious Jesus, give me grace to trust thee more. I am so glad I learned to trust Him. His is my most precious friend”. These words instruct me that there is no greater good to experience in life than to do the Will of God.
        The Will of God has been given a bad reputation from preachers who use this phrase when a person has died. This is a negative and fatalistic way of viewing the generous plans of God directed towards us. The Lord's intentions toward us are for our eternal good. He is our best friend who truly knows what is best for us.
        Our Lord is not a Kill Joy. His Will is over flowing with positive, life giving energy directed towards us. To experience the blessings of His Will we can not have it both ways. We must pray with Jesus in the garden of life decision, “Not my will, but Father may your will be done.” In the giving over of our agendas each day to be directed by God for the doing of His purpose we find meaning and fulfillment.
         Our Lord Jesus knew that the terrible suffering of His cross would not lead to termination but to a life of resurrection and reward. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”, Hebrews 12:2.
        What are the intentions of Jesus as we surrender to Him as Lord and seek to be a faithful and fruitful servant? John 10: 10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”
     May we seek daily to do the Will of our Heavenly Father. In His will is our peace. To have the grace to trust Him more in faithful and fruitful obedience is the goal of discipleship.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Warning Story

        The Gospel reading for Sunday is Luke 16:19-31. The story of a certain rich man and a poor man named Lazarus is a way Jesus warns about eternal consequences of persistent, present, selfish choices. The rich man after death wakes up at a place of eternal torment and faces permanent separation from all that is good. Lazarus is carried tenderly after death to Heaven to be close with God.
        Let me share what I do not believe about Hell. I do not believe that God wants any one to go to Hell. I do not believe our Father creates any person destined for eternal punishment. I do not believe our Father sends a person to Hell because he grew up in a culture where the Christian faith is unknown. The Creator who fashions the heart of all knows those people who surrender to the best truths they have about God and follow the light available to them.
         So where does Hell come from? Where does this great eternal gulf come from? We as sinful people create our own chasm from God.
If we run from God's truth, refuse to accept God as Owner of life,
reject all His holy moral laws written in the heart, ignore the still small voice of conscience, avoid the clear teaching of Scripture as a valid guide, resist the inner witness of the Spirit that sin is real, and rebel against turning our will over to His higher will then we create a great gulf between our heart and God.
        Status of wealth, expensive toys and worldly pleasures of this life are fleeting. There is a wealth of the heart that out lasts clock time. Lazarus invested in a relationship of service and love towards His Maker. He invested in true riches which can not be stolen, rust away or go to the trash heap of broken, obsolete toys. Lazarus was rich in faith and trust in God.
        Here is where the fire comes into the story. I think the rich man experienced a inner burning of regret and grief. He had a fire of self-loathing for being such a fool to throw away eternal life with God for some empty passing thrills. This awareness of such great folly is a fire which never stops burning.
        This story teaches the deep truth that the present moment is a short time of preparation to enter into a blessed existence with God which transcends chronological time. If our hearts are so cold to the poor that we ignore them we must beware. The rich man treated Lazarus as someone who didn't matter. The Lord valued Lazarus so highly he was given a VIP welcome home.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Scouts Are A Positive Example! The Boy Scout Oath talks about duty. This is a dimension of life not emphasized in today's world. Obligation is a part of a good life. President John Kennedy touched upon this when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” It is in an awareness of responsibilities where we discover meaning and direction. The trust placed in us by God and country can be a source of inspiration. “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.” We need a sense of inner direction to keep from getting lost in life's journey. The awareness of a sacred oath before God and sharing fellowship with an accountable community is a source of inner direction. A compass is used when hiking in the forest. It is easy to get lost even with the best of maps. The compass orients the map with the magnetic needle showing the direction of true North. This little hand held guide keeps the hiker from going in circles. Some hikers after losing their compass walk long distances in what they think is the right way but only become lost in confusion. This direction finder assists in making true progress to the destination of home. The Boy Scout Oath has roots in the constraints of the message of Christ. Because of the great mercy and generosity of God's unmerited grace we live under obligation. When we are baptized we make an oath to Christ to follow His commands, forgive others, to do our best to grow, and to do kind deeds. May we all take time to look to the compass of Christ who lives within us in His Spirit. It would help us to check often on the inner direction finder of His moral commands and His still small voice of duty. The world can offer us maps for pleasure, popularity, and material success. The big problem is the world does not provide a compass to keep us from getting lost in the pursuit of success. Thank God that in His mercy He provides the compass we need with our vows of duty to Christ and the guidance of His holy moral laws. We are offered the spiritual magnetic needle in Christ to lead us on the road that leads to life abundant. The Scouts are an example of oath of holy duty.

         The Boy Scout Oath talks about duty. This is a dimension of life not emphasized in today's world. Obligation is a part of a good life. President John Kennedy touched upon this when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” It is in an awareness of responsibilities where we discover meaning and direction. The trust placed in us by God and country can be a source of inspiration.
        “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”
We need a sense of inner direction to keep from getting lost in life's journey. The awareness of a sacred oath before God and sharing fellowship with an accountable community is a source of inner direction.
           A compass is used when hiking in the forest. It is easy to get lost even with the best of maps. The compass orients the map with the magnetic needle showing the direction of true North. This little hand held guide keeps the hiker from going in circles. Some hikers after losing their compass walk long distances in what they think is the right way but only become lost in confusion. This direction finder assists in making true progress to the destination of home.
       The Boy Scout Oath has roots in the constraints of the message of Christ. Because of the great mercy and generosity of God's unmerited grace we live under obligation. When we are baptized we make an oath to Christ to follow His commands, forgive others, to do our best to grow, and to do kind deeds.
        May we all often check our course with the compass of Christ who lives within us in His Spirit. It would help us to take note of the inner direction finder of His moral commands and His still small voice of duty. The world can offer us maps for pleasure, popularity, and material success. The big problem is the world does not provide a compass to keep us from getting lost in the pursuit of success.
       Thank God that in His mercy He provides the compass we need with our vows of duty to Christ and the guidance of His holy moral laws. We are offered the spiritual magnetic needle in Christ to lead us on the road that leads to life abundant.
        The Scouts are an example of oath of holy duty.